258 N 2nd St. Decatur IN 46733
Hours: M-Th 9am-6pm Fri 9am-5pm Saturdays or Eve by Appointment
Knowing Your Needs
Doing a Kitchen can be like a journey: For some it's just a short trip. For most, the time spent deciding, budgeting, Planning, pricing, and choosing colors may add up to a few weeks or months. For others, it may be a future event, perhaps a year or two down the road.
Creating a file of photos, magazine clippings, and brochures will help you keep your wish list organized.
Here are some important questions that we hope will be helpful to both you and our Planner in understanding your needs. Print this list and bring your answers to our showroom. We will help you get your project on the way!
In your current kitchen:
[ ] What aspects do you like?
[ ] What do you dislike?
[ ] is there enough cabinet storage space?
[ ] Is there enough counter space?
[ ] Is the counter space located where you need it?
[ ] Does it relate to adjacent rooms the way you would like?
[ ] Is the view to the outside where you would like it to be?
[ ] Is there a casual dining/conversation area in the room?
[ ] Is it arranged so that traffic is directed away from the cook?
[ ] Is the available wall and floor space optimized?
[ ] Is your layout inviting for guests?
[ ] Is your layout conducive to good conversation?
[ ] Is your layout family friendly?
[ ] Are appliances and sink conveniently located?
[ ] Do you have task lighting above the countertop?
[ ] Do you have enough electrical outlets?
[ ] Is there a good ventilation system at your range?
[ ] Do you have adequate seating?
[ ] Do you need any openings closed or moved?
[ ] Do you need a wall moved?
What is your time frame? [ ]1-3 mo. [ ]4-6 mos. [ ]7-12 mo. [ ]future
After answering in detail, rate the importance of each item with [1] being the most important and [3] being the least.